Read About Genes

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genetics, nutrition, weight, hunger, protein Morgan Knull genetics, nutrition, weight, hunger, protein Morgan Knull

Always Hungry/Never Full: How To Stop Eating Like a Bottomless Pit

If you’re anything like me, after you finish your lunch you could eat it all over again! Much of the time, you just don’t feel full, even though you’ve eaten plenty. You’ve probably even eaten to the point of feeling sick before (but that’s different). Why am I such a bottomless pit? It wasn’t until I tested my genetics that I figured it out. This whole time it wasn’t a weakness of character driving me to overeat; it was a genetic predisposition! And once I knew about it, I could control it. What a relief! 

Let me explain…

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How to Break Free From Food Addiction

We all know how this story goes. You are one of two people. You think about chocolate all day long, finally you cave and buy a chocolate bar. You eat it in a few short bites, and it feels amazing. Everything feels good, your mood is better, you’re nicer, and life is good. Or, you’re like me, and you just can’t have one chip… before you know it, the entire bag is empty and you’re ashamed. You start to notice people don’t put peanuts or popcorn in front of you at parties because they know you will wolf them all down.

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