Read About Genes

Browse the blog to learn more about genetics (and me!)

Morgan Knull Morgan Knull

Why Your Weight Isn’t Just About Willpower—It’s in Your Genes

For years, I blamed myself for being “bad” or “weak.” In the world of diet culture, weight often gets reduced to an equation of “calories in, calories out,” or to following a trend like keto or intermittent fasting. But these one-size-fits-all solutions are doomed to fail for most people because they ignore a crucial factor: our genetic blueprint.

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Morgan Knull Morgan Knull

No More Guessing Games: How Genetics and Epigenetics Unlock the Blueprint for Your Health

Navigating your way to optimal health can often feel like a guessing game, filled with trial and error. But what if there was a roadmap uniquely tailored to you, eliminating the uncertainty and wasted effort? As a genetic nutritionist, I harness the power of genetics and epigenetics to deliver personalized health insights that take the guesswork out of your wellness journey.

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Morgan Knull Morgan Knull

It’s Not You, It’s Your Genes: The Genetics of Weight Loss

During our virtual consultation, my client tells me about her dieting history. Multiple fad diets initially worked for her, but the weight comes back…Every. Single. Time. Sometimes she even puts on more weight than she started with! She feels discouraged, and is a little hesitant to try yet another thing – but here she is.

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miscarriage, pregnancy Morgan Knull miscarriage, pregnancy Morgan Knull

Beyond Crying in the Shower: Postpartum Depression During a Pandemic

Our daughter was born near the very end of 2020, and we were overjoyed. But soon the warning bells of postpartum depression began gently ringing, and continued throughout most of 2021. It wasn’t until I was eight months postpartum that the dark and detached feelings started to lean on the doorbell—heavily. It was as if they were forcing their way in, saying “WE’RE HERE! It’s already too late!”

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Unprepared, hormonal, and in love: My postpartum experience (PART ONE)

My third trimester was really tough. My right hip had dislocated, I had two bulging discs, and both wrists had severe carpal tunnel. The hormone produced during pregnancy—relaxin—paired with my unhelpful inflammatory genetics had caused the perfect storm.

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