Why the First Steps to Optimal Health Overwhelm Us

When I decided regularly practicing yoga would be good for me, I went out and bought yoga pants and a new mat. I was all set...but never went to a single yoga class. Sound familiar?

Even if you’re a dedicated yogi, I’m sure you’ve probably had a similar experience with something else. Did you go for an after-work jog, or did you mentally check out by slothing it on the couch and staring at the TV for 4 hours? I’m not shaming you, I promise; I get it. I’ve laid awake at night, visualizing the better state of mind I’ll definitely pursue—it starts tomorrow!—only to drag myself out of bed the next day to follow the exact same routine I always have. And believe me when I say I’ve tried every fad diet, lost big, and gained it all back, too. I know the easy part is wanting a better life; it's getting back into the arena (or getting started at all) that’s the most daunting. 

So, even if we’re tired of being spectators, what keeps us in the bleachers? Here are a few of the common roadblocks:

  • Neurotransmitters. For years I was sure that I had a serotonin problem. I experienced anxiety on a regular basis and some days it was a real struggle to get out of bed. But everything I tried to treat depression or to increase serotonin didn’t work. That’s where my genetics came in; I remember feeling shocked when I first saw my genetics report. To my surprise, all of my genes for serotonin were really good—my problem was dopamine! But what the heck was dopamine? I always thought it was something kids with hyperactive or attention issues had trouble with—so what did it have to do with my low moods? It turns out that dopamine is our “feel good” neurotransmitter. It’s all about reward and pleasure seeking, and holds the answers for why some of us don’t get the same pleasure as others from doing certain things. Some of us are genetically predisposed to need a “greater hit” each time for that same boost to fill our cups. In my case, I wasn’t anxious but I was struggling to focus. I felt overwhelmed. It wasn’t depression that was keeping me in bed, but a lack of motivation. If I didn’t feel like the day would serve up the reward or high I was looking for, what was the point? I needed to remove an obstacle before I could be successful. I needed to identify the root cause for my limiting thoughts (and lack of motivation). Today, because I know my genes, I take Brain Energy to naturally boost my dopamine levels. I also commit to daily practices that help me hold on to my dopamine longer. 

  • Stress. Not only will stress push over 90% of our genes into their adverse position, but it can really get in the way when it comes to committing to our health goals. Stress decreases immune function significantly, slows down digestion (we produce 80% less digestive enzymes when stressed), inhibits sleep, and, to top it all off, makes our bodies hold onto fat instead of losing it. Stress also paralyzes us. Have you ever heard of fight, flight or freeze? No wonder it’s hard to get off the couch—we feel like we literally can’t! When we’re frozen with stress, it’s good to start with a small, doable change. It’s the first step that helps us slowly get going. As a first course of action, I often recommend taking Sereniten Plus daily on an empty stomach. This is one simple thing you can do, even when you’re staying put for a little while. When you’re ready, it will be easier to get up and let the highly researched supplement do it’s work.

  • Previous failures. No one likes to be constantly reminded of everything that didn’t work out in the past—so why do we remind ourselves? Our brains love to make up stories and answer our own  thoughts. I’ve considered it a million times: “I’ve tried Bernstein, Weight Watchers, Keto, and more...and all I did was struggle with the restrictions while losing weight before slowly gaining it back. So what’s the point?” Well, the point is: those weren’t failures. And those diets can work for many people. Actually, they often work in sneaky ways because removing things like sugar and carbohydrates work for initial weight loss, but then suddenly there’s a plateau. This is because the adjustments you’re making may not be right for your body, long-term. For the most part, these fad lifestyle recommendations were built on research done several decades ago on Olympic athletes. The really cool thing about living in 2021—I can’t believe I just said that—is that we have new research that focuses on more individualized care and on how different genetic positions mean different protocols for each person. I know it’s daunting when your memory serves up a parade of your previous failures. In my early 20s, I lost nearly 100 lbs, and then struggled to keep it off for the next ten years. I didn’t find something that truly worked for me until I found a way to give my body what it specifically needs to operate optimally. It wasn’t a fad diet or a weight loss program for the masses; it was individualized support based on my unique genetics. Don’t let your mind tell you something new won’t work—if it’s just for you, it could be exactly what you need. 

  • Finances. I don’t know about you, but I will justify lavish dinners out, handcrafted Starbucks drinks on the daily, and online shopping splurges with my eyes closed—especially if there is a sale involved! But it feels crummy when I see my low bank balance, knowing I don’t have much to show for my indulgences and that I really couldn’t afford them. To find my way out of this behavioural pattern, I started trading things in my mind. I would cancel dinner plans where I knew I would spend a lot of money and instead make an appointment with my healthcare provider. These little trades started to make me feel good because I knew I was investing in my health. However, many of us have recently been going through some really challenging times financially. We want to prioritize our health, but the thought of the expense is too overwhelming. I encourage you to talk to your healthcare provider honestly about where you are financially. When I see a client that’s obviously committed to their health but may be struggling with funding it, I make it work for them. I like to think other practitioners do too! If you’re concerned about the price of getting healthy, please book a free 15 minute consult or email me so we can discuss.

Let me be clear: putting this list together was not an exercise in revealing where my clients fall short in achieving their goals. It was rather a product of being completely inspired by their commitment. And it made me self-reflect on the numerous stumbling blocks I hit. If I managed to say “enough is enough” and find a way, I’m sure you can too.

Of course, I see clients of all kinds. Some of you have had enough before coming to see me and you’re ready to do the work. For others, I’m the new pair of yoga pants that you aren’t quite ready to put on yet. My goal is to meet you where you are. If that means changing one thing about your diet, adding one daily supplement, or keeping the tiniest daily promise to yourself, I support you. I tell all my clients that if anything we are doing causes you any stress, pull the plug immediately. Let’s talk about it. You should never feel like you’re dieting or restricting yourself in ways that cause your stress hormones to rise. I want to show you the exact ways your body wants to be served and teach you to access this information without me when the time is right. 

Wherever you may be in your readiness for optimal health, please feel truly accepted when you reach out to me. At this point, I’ve wondered if sharing all of my personal experiences is getting to be a bit much. Is it unattractive? Maybe, but if it shows you that I relate and can support you, then it’s worth it.

If my approach sounds comfortable for you and you’re ready to learn more, please book a consultation. Start with a free 15-minute consult or a 1 hour nutritional consultation—it’s totally up to you.book a free 15 minute consult


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